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Maa chandrakanta , third day of Navratri .

Goddess Chandraghanta blesses the seeker with

1) Balancing and activating solar plexus

2) Removes fear from seekers mind , and makes them fearless like a lion.

3)Cures ailments like - digestion , gastrits, acidity, consipation, skin diseases

4)Blesses those who are possessed by spirits , who hear different kind of voices in their head and who can see spirits around them

5)Destroys all sins of the seeker

6) Removes all obstacles and sufferings from seekers life

7) Increases inner and outer beauty of the person , the seekers face starts glowing with aradhna of Maa chandraghanta. One becomes very calm and peaceful with mothers blessings

8) Imparts spirtual knowledge as solar plexus chakra represents aquiring knowledge.

9) Seeker gets spritually transformed , Yellow colour of Solar plexus turns Golden , which is the colour of Maa chandraghanta

10) Worshipping Maa chandraghanta , balances male and female energies of the seeker

11) One whose partner is upset , they can pray to Maa chandraghanta to give them strength to heal your relationship


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