Summing up the numbers in your life
Numerology is the study of numbers as they relate to the individual. Numerology brings out the Pyramid of your Life with important milestones including education, career, finance, health, relationship and spirituality. Through numerology, you can ascertain what career is good for you, whether you should be in business or job, numbers that will give you money, name change to get married, name change/correction for happy married life, etc.
What is Numerology?
Learn Numerology from senior-most numerologist and astrologer Gitu Mirpuri.
Numerology is the study of numbers from 0 to 9. From understanding your date of birth, to calculating your life number, numerology can offer deep insights into your personality and also helps to align your life decisions as per the most favourable days and dates.
Each number has a specific vibration frequency which is related to the cosmic vibration which affects our day to day life in a positive or negative manner. These numbers have major impact on our character, thinking pattern, talents, life purpose, career, finance, love life, relationship and health. If we choose our career, bank account number, city to work in, business name, your name correct spelling, your signature, visiting card, life partner according to our own number frequency (taken from date of birth or name), it will favour us and will lead to a successful career and good relationship.
If the number or name frequency does not match with our career then lots of struggle and relationship issues may occur.
Numerology is also used to gain guidance into when to invest in business or property, favourable time for marriage, when to change jobs or house or even country. Numerology helps us to know the lucky number which helps to have favourable mobile number, car number, house number and even a compatible partner.
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In other words, please use common sense.
Enrol to become a Numerologist
Course Duration: 15 Days
Batches start: 1st and 15th of every month
One hour a day
Detailed notes provided
Exercises included
Certificate: Yes
Course Contents:
Planets and numbers, their realtion.
Numbers Details, your qualities from your date of birth ruling number and destiny number.
Ruling number, Destiny number, Soul urge number
Lucky Numbers , Lucky career, Luck in finance, health ,
Name correction , business name correction, signature correction.
Lucky dates, days, months, years and directions
Lucky colours, months, metals, gems, semi-precious stones
Lucky hours to work in and using money number to get wealth.
Right career through lucky numbers, money number
Karmic Cycle
Life Challenge Numbers
Life cycles, know your past, present future through your date of birth
Your special qualities, Special lessons to learn in this birth
Grids: Vedic grid, Pythagoras grid, Chinese lo shu magic grid
Marriage & Relationships:
Compatible numbers, Marriage yog through date of birth​
Get answers through Pythagoras' grid for your questions in life​
Remedies gems, semiprecious stones, herbs, yantras, mantras, charities , pujas to perform to improve your life
Predictions like children, location of the house, business, career prospects, etc.