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Image by Kayla Maurais

The magical world of Tarot

Tarot has the ability to pan out your life's story so accurately that it can overwhelm you into belief. Imagine if you could read Tarot for yourself and use Tarot spells to change your life's direction favourably, how would you script your entire life again?

Why Tarot Card Reading Course?

Image by Jen Theodore

What is Tarot Card Reading?

Tarot Card Reading is a spiritual divination technique that involves connecting the Tarot with the energies of the individual and having the individual choose cards as guided from their intuition. The Tarot reader then goes on to lay out the cards in a layout that pans out the past, present and future for the individual. 

The layout of cards builds out a story that can indicate important events in the individual's life - when the question is related to major life events; but also gives interesting insights into a specific question / situation. Questions can be related to life purpose, soul purpose, past life, future life, soul mates, star seeds, etc.; and also to something transient such as next job, meeting true love, marriage, health, betrayal, partnerships, etc.

What are Tarot Spells?

The dictionary defines a spell as

- a form of words used as a magical charm or incantation.

"a spell is laid on the door to prevent entry”

- an ability to control or influence people as though one had magical power over them.”he woke from her spell”

Gitu Mirpuri defines a spell as an affirmation - any word uttered with great intensity and sincerity becomes, in a sense, a spell. 

Do you realize that all the mantras in Hindu mythology are nothing but a form of spells?

There are two ways to look at it – one, that it is some mumbo jumbo magic; two, that it is a desire you put out to the Universe and allow it to come true.

I choose the second way.

I believe even a strong thought can act as a spell if you do it with conviction. The power of a spell / mantra resides in the person who is chanting it – and chanting it repeatedly gives it the energy to become true through setting of intention.

It’s just a tool – the power lies in you

Tarot Spells involve use of tarot cards chosen by the person who is casting the spell, as per the relevance of his/her spell / intention. One may use candles of different colours for various intentions. One aspect that I’d like to clarify here is that tarot spells are not magic. Everything works with intention.

A tarot spell is a tool that you use to concentrate your focus on your intentions and send energy to them. They are done along with rituals and in a setting which enhances good vibrations, for . example, by lighting specific colored candles, placing flowers, picture of loved ones, etc. Spells are affirmations. That’s it. You can experience their power by learning to manifest small desires first.

And then, as your faith in the power of your own manifestation capabilities grows, you learn to manifest bigger things in life.

Enroll in Tarot  Courses

Become a professional Tarot Reader and Spell Caster

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Course Contents for Tarot Card Reading

Course Contents - Tarot


  • Course Duration: 30 Days

  • Batches start: 1st of every month

  • 5 days a week, 2 hours a day

  • Exercises included

  • Certificate: Yes

  • Materials provided along with the course:

    • Certificate

    • Detailed Notes

    • Tarot deck

    • Tarot cloth and Bag

    • Crystals

    • Candle


  • Tarot for career

  • Tarot for finance

  • Tarot for relationship

  • Tarot for love affairs

  • Tarot for health

  • tarot for progeny

  • tarot for property

  • Timing predictions through tarot

  • Giving online tarot predictions

  • Remedies for all problems

  • Introduction to angel tarot deck

  • Know the meanings  and stories  of symbols, colours, numbers  of the Major and Minor Arcana cards.

  • Learn how to read cards and  27 spreads, for career, finance, relationship, health and spirituality.

  • Learn to make accurate predictions for small and big spreads.

  • Resolve confusions and doubts.

  • Access  tarot at any time, without reading notes

  • Meditation to strengthen your intuition.

  • Understand the main issue of the spread

  • Remedies through Tarot

  • Timing predictions through tarot.

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