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Yog of multiple affairs in Kundli

1) Dual Rashis - 3,6, 9,10 Afflicted in lagna chart or many planets in these rashis.

3,6,9,12 afflicted by JU, me, ma and saturn.

When we talk about dual Rashis like Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces being afflicted in the lagna chart, it signifies a complex astrological situation. The presence of planets in these specific Rashis can create a duality in the individual's personality traits and characteristics. The 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 10th houses are significant in Vedic astrology as they represent different aspects of life such as communication, health, fortune, and career respectively.

Having these dual Rashis afflicted in the lagna chart may indicate challenges or conflicts in these areas of life. For example, if the 6th house is affected, it could point towards health issues or obstacles in daily routines. Similarly, afflictions in the 10th house might suggest difficulties in career advancement or reputation.

It is essential to analyze the specific planetary positions and aspects to understand the full implications of dual Rashis being afflicted in the lagna chart. Consulting with an experienced astrologer can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate through these astrological influences.

2) sa - moon , vish yog -combination gives multiple relations or marriages

When the moon and Saturn come together in astrology, it often signifies the potential for multiple relationships or marriages in a person's life. This combination can indicate a complex and varied romantic life, where the individual may experience different partnerships or marriages over time. The influence of Saturn brings a sense of responsibility and structure to the emotional realm governed by the moon, leading to a dynamic interplay between commitment and emotional fulfillment. People with this alignment may find themselves navigating various types of relationships, each offering unique lessons and growth opportunities.

3) Mercury affilcated is responsible for multiple marraiges. Meaning of Mercury is many. eg: Afflicated me+ ke, shows trouble in second marriage of a male. me is love and ketu is trap - person is trapped in prem yog.

When it comes to astrology, the influence of Mercury on marital matters is a significant factor to consider. An afflicted Mercury in a person's birth chart can indicate a propensity towards multiple marriages. This is due to the inherent nature of Mercury, which symbolizes communication, adaptability, and versatility. In Vedic astrology, Mercury is associated with the concept of multiplicity and variety.

For instance, if Mercury is afflicted in a birth chart, particularly in relation to the seventh house which governs marriage, it can suggest challenges or disruptions in the area of partnerships and matrimony. Specifically, in the context of a male individual, an afflicted Mercury may point towards difficulties or complexities in his second marriage.

Therefore, understanding the nuances of Mercury's influence in astrology can provide valuable insights into a person's marital life and relationship dynamics. By examining the placement and aspects of Mercury in the birth chart, astrologers can offer guidance on how to navigate potential challenges and harness the positive qualities associated with this planet for harmonious and fulfilling relationships.

4) In males chart, Venus represents 1 st wife, Me second wife and moon third wife

According to astrology, the placement of Venus in a male's birth chart signifies his first wife, while the second wife is represented by the position of Mars. The Moon, on the other hand, is said to symbolize the third wife in a man's life. This astrological interpretation suggests that each of these celestial bodies influences different aspects of a man's relationships and marital life.

Furthermore, Venus is associated with love, beauty, and harmony, indicating the qualities that the first wife may embody or the nature of the relationship. Mars, as the planet of passion and energy, could point to the characteristics of the second wife or the dynamics of the second marriage.

The Moon, representing emotions, intuition, and domestic life, may shed light on the nature of the connection with the third wife or the emotional needs within that relationship.

5) In females chart, Mars represents 1 st husband, second husabnd some scriptures say SA, and third husband Ju. Some scriptures say - Ju second and Sa third.

According to astrological beliefs, Mars holds significant importance in a female's birth chart when it comes to the representation of her husbands. In this context, Mars symbolizes the first husband, while interpretations vary regarding the subsequent husbands.

Some sources suggest that the second husband is indicated by Saturn (SA), and the third husband by Jupiter (Ju). However, other scriptures propose a different sequence, stating that Jupiter represents the second husband and Saturn the third.

This variation in interpretations highlights the complexity and diversity of astrological practices, where different traditions may offer contrasting perspectives on the same planetary influences within a chart.

6) Partner from Foreign land- check for Rahu's role with mars and Venus.

When considering a partner from a foreign land in astrology, it is crucial to delve deeper into the planetary influences at play.

Specifically, examining the roles of Rahu, Mars, and Venus can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of such a relationship. Rahu, known as the North Node of the Moon, is associated with desires, obsessions, and unconventional experiences.

Its interaction with Mars, the planet of energy, passion, and aggression, can indicate the intensity and drive within the partnership.

Additionally, Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and beauty, influences the romantic and affectionate aspects of the connection.

By analyzing how these planets interact in the birth charts of both individuals, astrologers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the potential challenges and strengths in a relationship with a partner from a foreign land.

7) Mangal Dosh - In Vedic astrology, Mangal Dosh refers to the malefic influence of the planet Mars in a person's birth chart. This dosha is believed to bring challenges and obstacles in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and marriage.

Individuals with Mangal Dosh are often advised to perform specific remedies or rituals to mitigate its effects. It is said that those affected by this dosha may experience delays in marriage, conflicts with partners, or even health issues related to Mars' energy.

Astrologers analyze the placement of Mars in different houses of the birth chart to determine the severity of Mangal Dosh and provide guidance on how to navigate its influence.

Best remedy for pacifying mangal is to raise voice for a cause. and donate blood to a needy, sunderkand path.

8) Mars and ketu combination - creates problems in marriage Relationship. People with Mars Ketu they dont want to loose their freedom.

9) Mo afflicted by Ra and mars and Ju afflicted BY Rahua or Mars ( as it represents respect and duty ) ,

Mars gives guts to start an affair. if Mars is weak person keeps thinking about affairs.

10) Extra Multiple affairs : Venus , rahu and Mars , combination gives multiple affairs.

11) For love marriage , mars should be strong.

12) Ve + rahu - different nature of each partners , me + mo, m+ rahu are responsible for love marriage.

13) Venus and moon , not affected by saturn and ketu gives happiness in marriage.

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