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Moonstone sphere

Moonstone sphere

SKU: C298
Moonstones sphere:-Moonstone spheres r for inner growth and strength for emotional stability and it to sooth stress it enhances intuition promotes inspiration success and good fortune in love and business. place it in the north west of your room, offfice or home for parcel, calm, moodswings, emotional healing. \n \nSURPRISING BENEFITS OF MOONSTONE \nMOONSTONES ARE BEAUTIFUL AND MAKE AMAZING JEWELRY PIECES, BUT DID YOU KNOW THEY OFFER SURPRISING BENEFITS AS WELL? READ HERE FOR 5 BENEFITS OF MOONSTONES! \nKEYWORD(S): BENEFITS OF MOONSTONE \n \nHave you ever felt lost, or confused in life? \n \nHaving trouble with insomnia, infertility, or questioning your own disposition? \n \nThere are many answers out there, but not all of them work for everybody. \n \nMaybe it's time you looked for help from a source as old and well-known as the moon itself. \n \nMoonstones are a mysterious-but-fashionable, often-misunderstood gemstone with a wealth of benefits to offer men and women of all ages. Today, we're going to be taking a closer look at five benefits of moonstone, and how you can start using it in your life. \n \nEMOTIONAL BALANCE \nThe moon is considered to be one of the most soothing influences in our modern life. Moonstone, linked to the moon, is seen in much the same way. \n \nTraded between couples or worn on your own, it's a balancing stone with a very relaxing effect on most people. It instills feelings of composure in those who wear it, as well as peacefulness, and its milky appearance makes for great accessorizing. \n \nMoreover, however, it also brings about feelings of power and stability, like you can weather any emotional storm you come up against. \n \nMoonstone makes you more receptive towards nurturing, meaning you'll be less closed off from other people. Often times, the only way to progress through an emotional tumult is with someone's help. Moonstone will help you recognize and accept that help. \n \nBalancing your emotions doesn't always have to be about happiness and sadness. Another very important emotion to recognize and incorporate is desire. \n \nThis stone helps to promote love and eroticism in people, as well, by triggering kundalini energies and promoting blood flow. As we will explain, proper blood flow is one of the most important things this stone promotes, as it affects much of what goes on in your body and mind. \n \nTARGET YOUR FEMININE SIDE \nConsidered a feminine stone, Moonstone often has a positive impact on hormone balances. This can help with physical conditions such as psoriasis and hair loss, but also with fluctuating emotions and confusion. \n \nIt is also useful in easing pain during menstruation and childbirth. \n \nBy targeting femininity, this stone helps to promote and nurture intuition and gentleness in people, as well as compassion. It's important to understand, these are qualities inherent in everybody. Moonstones aren't "for women", even when they strengthen the feminine. \n \nFor men, using this to strengthen your femininity can actually bring balance to your life. If you've ever felt aimless or incomplete in some way, a more complete character profile can help you find peace with yourself as a whole person. Moonstone can help you bring out and incorporate your feminine side. \n \nFor women, it also has one more physical benefit: fertility. \n \nMoonstone is a wonderful fertility aid. It affects the reproductive cycle, and eases menstrual tension. Known for its links to the pineal gland, it balances hormonal systems as well. This helps to stabilize fluid imbalances, promote better biorhythm, and improve conception odds. \n \nCALM YOUR MASCULINE SIDE \nAs we've mentioned, every person has two sides to their personality. \n \nAggression, while not always bad, is most often associated with the masculine side of us. \n \nMoonstone helps to ease these aggressive tendencies in men and woman, bringing peace and balance. \n \nA big part of the effect it has is its balancing power on male and female energies within the body. This means that, while this stone is considered more feminine, it actually balances out energies in the body. \n \nGolden moonstone is great in this regard. It promotes masculine energy in people with a softer disposition and calms it in those who are aggressive or insensitive. \n \nFor men, this means less unwanted aggression. For women, it can have a similar effect, dampening feelings of anger or domineering, and pushing calmness and focus to the foreground. \n \nHELPS TO EVEN OUT YOUR SLEEP CYCLE \nThis stone also works wonders for people with insomnia. \n \nAs peacefulness and relaxation thrive, the brain can fall asleep faster each night, without all the worry and restlessness that kept it up. Keep a blue moonstone underneath your pillow at night to help ease you off to sleep. \n \nThis has further benefits for people suffering from sleepwalking episodes. Wearing a moonstone talisman around your neck at night will give you the calm you need to stay in bed or return as soon as possible after getting up. \n \nChildren with hyperactivity who can't sleep at night also stand to benefit from this stone's calming powers. \n \nAn unexpected benefit relating to this comes from rainbow moonstone. This particular stone aids in sleep, but, also, in lucid dreaming. Acting as a prism, rainbow moonstone diffuses energy around you, creating a rich aura in which you feel clear of mind. \n \nIt's this exact state of mind that works wonders for lucid dreamers. If you are interested in achieving a lucid dream state, incorporate this stone into your sleep cycle. \n \nGOOD FOR NOSEBLEEDS AND OTHER AILMENTS \nIf you are somebody who suffers from nosebleeds, a moonstone can help to regulate your body's circulation and stop this from occurring. \n \nThey help with more than just that. \n \nMoonstones also help people suffering from anxiety or depression in a similar way. By promoting blood flow and the absorption of all those wonderful endorphins throughout your body. \n \nLack of confidence follows behind in this regard, with your self-image from your basic happiness. The better you feel, the better your confidence will become. Add to this how good your hair and skin look when your blood flow is in line, and you can see why this is great news for people with self-esteem problems. \n \nFinally, those under the sign of Cancer can see the benefits of moonstone in their own lives more than others. This is because its moon properties relate it back to our own moon which is, in turn, Cancer's ruling planet. \n \nDISCOVER THE BENEFITS OF MOONSTONE IN YOUR LIFE \nIt's clear that the potential benefits of having this mysterious, milky gemstone in your life are huge. To be clear,no we've only touched on our top five, today - there are so many more practical uses for moonstone, we could write and never stop.

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